Sunday, June 23, 2013

A few pictures of the journey!

I meant to post these the other day...
overall it has been an incredible experience. It's amazing how incorrectly stereotyped Russians are. I was speaking to a Columbian about how nice Russian people are. They are genuinely care-free and enjoy the more simple things in life. At least from what I have seen, there is much less time spent with TV or internet and much more time spent on walks or picnics. I think a lot of this stems from the fact that so many people rely on public transportation. This means that there is a lot of walking involved to and from the metro and around downtown. For example: when we were moving into our apartment, our friends helped us carry our suitcases during a "short" walk. They were so excited that we lived walking distance from them, and it's a 45 minute walk! I really have enjoyed it, such a different lifestyle. Also, the parks here are stunning. Not in the Versailles, controlled nature type of way, but in the woodsy and simple way. I think there are a few pictures of a park behind my apartment...

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